Quality Assurance

Assessments and Certifications

Unicollege holds the quality of its academics and student services at the core of its activities, serving as the fundamental basis for evaluating and improving its operations tout court. To meet international standards of quality, Unicollege has been ISO 9001 moniotred and certified since 2008 – and undergoes annual assessments by accredited bodies to maintain the validity of such a certification.

Since 2016, this standard of evaluation has extended to all Unicollege processes, with the institution establishing a Quality Assessment Unit to conduct periodic audits – aiming to enhance procedures and outputs across the institution.

ISO 9001:2015 Certification

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), comprising 165 member states, promotes the improvement of organizational processes through standards and guidelines, focused on quality and innovation.  Since 2008, the Managing Entity of Unicollege, Adiuva S.r.l., has obtained certification for its Quality Management System—a set of documented policies, processes, procedures, and records defining how Unicollege delivers its services to all stakeholders – particularly students, faculty, and staff.

The certification, identified by certificate no. 4382, is renewed annually following rigorous inspection audits conducted by third-party bodies accredited by ISO.

Quality Assessment Unit

Unicollege entrusts the monitoring and evaluation of its internal processes, in compliance with both ISO 9001:2015 standards and the Quality Assessment Unit (via its President). This supporting body, established for each campus, comprises the Dean of Academic Affairs, two faculty members from relevant academic areas, an administrative officer, and a student representative.

The Unit is responsible for:

– Monitoring the implementation of ISO standards and internal regulations.

– Assessing their effectiveness.

– Preparing an annual report for the Technical-Scientific and Evaluation Committee, identifying areas for improvement and addressing potential issues.